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1600W Digital 7L Alivio Air Fryer With Cooking Window - Black


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Compare 1600W Digital 7L Alivio Air Fryer With Cooking Window - Black Price

EAN: 5060964817446

Brand: Alivio

With the 360-degree rotation, the hot air reaches every corner of the cooking chamber, reducing cooking time. The even heat distribution contributes to consistent and flavourful results across various recipes. You can observe the progress and check the browning or crisping of the food without opening the fryer. This helps prevent overcooking or undercooking and gives you more control over the desired outcome. The detachable bottom tray in an air fryer makes the cleaning process much more convenient. After cooking, you can easily remove the tray and wash it separately, either by hand or in a dishwasher. This ensures that any food residue or oil is effectively cleaned, maintaining hygiene and preventing any lingering odours or flavours.

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